Chairman’s Message

Shri Anil Kumar Agarwal
It is with great joy and immeasurable pride that I welcome you to the culmination of a lifelong dream aimed at providing quality professional education and shape the bright young minds of India into the technocrats of tomorrow – RR Group of Institutions – Home of excellence in education in Lucknow.
My own experience in searching for industry-oriented education prompted the beginning of what has now blossomed into a group of colleges excelling in producing Industry ready professionals in the fields of Engineering, Management, and Architecture & Technology. The efforts of our renowned faculty, industrious support staff, and able guidance of the management have ensured that the group has consistently produced not just wonderful academic results at the University, but also diligent professionals who are now pursuing fulfilling careers all across the world. Our collective commitment to constant growth and quest for nothing but perfection has ensured that the Institution continues on an exponential curve towards becoming one of the foremost professional institutes in the nation.